Head of department
Dr. Wiener Gábor associate professor IB.136/a tel: 463-3162 |
Full and part time members
Balázs Barbara assistant lecturer IB 136/b tel: 463-2987 |
Dr. Csákány Rita associate professor IB 137/a tel: 463-3156 |
Dr. Csima Judit associate professor IB 136/b tel: 463-2987 |
Dr. Fleiner Tamás professor IB 137/b tel: 463-3161 |
Dr. Friedl Katalin associate professor IB 137/a tel: 463-3156 |
Dr. Györfi László professor emeritus IE 215 tel: 463-3146 |
Dr. Héger Tamás associate professor IE.2.16.3 tel: 463-2986 |
Kabódi László assistant lecturer IB 137/a 463-3156 |
Dr. Kaszanitzky Viktória associate professor IE 2.17.2 tel: 463-3158 |
Dr. Katona Gyula associate professor IE 215 tel: 463-2587 |
Dr. Padmini Mukkamala assistant professor IB 136/b tel: 463-2987 |
Dr. Pach Péter Pál senior research fellow IB 136/b tel: 463-2987 |
Dr. Palincza Richárd assistant professor IE.2.16.3 463-3159 |
Dr. Pintér Márta associate professor IE 2.17.2 tel: 463-3158 |
Dr. Recski András professor emeritus IE 214 tel: 463-2984 |
Dr. Sali Attila associate professor IB 137/b tel: 463-3161 |
Dr. Schlotter Ildikó associate professor IB 136/b tel: 463-2987 |
Dr. Simonyi Gábor professor IE 2.17.3 tel: 463-3159 |
Szabó Réka mestertanár IB 136/a tel: 463-3162 |
Dr. Szeredi Péter professor IE.2.16.3 tel: 463-2986 |
Dr. Szeszlér Dávid associate professor IB.136/a tel: 463-3162 |
Dr. Tóbiás András assistant professor IE.2.17.2 tel: 463-3158 |
Tóth Dávid Ákos assistant lecturer I.E.2.16.2 tel: 463-2897 |
Dr. Tóth Géza associate professor IB 137/b tel: 463-3161 |
Dr. Varga Kitti assistant professor IB136/a tel: 463-3162 |
Dr. Vizer Máté assistant lecturer IE 2.16.3 tel: 463-3159 |
PhD students
Almási Nóra IE.2.17.3 463-3159 |
Csonka Bence IE.2.17.3 463-3159 |
Garami Bence IB137/b 463-3161 |
Gujgiczer Anna IE.2.17.3 463-3159 |
Khan Humara IE.2.17.2 463-3158 |
Nemkin Viktória IE.2.16.3 463-3159 |
Hilal Othman IB135 |
Drótos Márton drotos at cs.bme.hu |
Fekete Panna fekete.panna.timea at gmail.com |
Hanák Péter hanak at emt.bme.hu |
Kiss Attila ttkkissat at gmail.com |
Marussy Kristóf kris7topher at gmail.com |
Nguyen Hai nthaitrx at gmail.com |
Richlik György IE.2.16.2 463-2897 richlik at cs.bme.hu |
Tóth Péter tothp at cs.bme.hu |
Tőri Tünde tori.tunde at gmail.com |
Vidor Sára vidor.sari at gmail.com |
Vincze András andrasvincze01 at gmail.com |
Administration and IT
Magyarné Boltizár Ildikó IB.133/b tel: 463-2585 |
Bojcsuk-Ifjú Enikő IB.133/b tel: 463-2585 |
Bornemissza Péter system administrator IE.504 tel: 30/otkilencvenegy-2693 |
Molnár Péter system administrator IB.135 tel: 30/nyolcnegyvenegy-2320 |