If you are interested in one of the topics below, please contact the professor (contact information can be found in the link of the topic).
Phd thesis topic proposals (in Hungarian)
Software Engineering
Stable matchings and applications (Dr. Tamás Fleiner)
Efficient algorithms (Dr. Katalin Friedl)
Toughness in graphs (Dr. Gyula Katona)
Parameterized Complexity (Dr. Dániel Marx)
Combinatorial optimization and its applications in engineering (Dr. András Recski)
Graph coloring (Dr. Gábor Simonyi)
Declarative programming (Dr. Péter Szeredi)
Combinatorial algorithms in VLSI routing (Dr. Dávid Szeszlér)
Random walks (Dr. András Telcs)
Traces of hypergraphs (Dr. Gábor Wiener)
Electrical Engineering
Toughness in graphs (Dr. Gyula Katona)
Combinatorial optimization and its applications in engineering (Dr. András Recski)
Combinatorial algorithms in VLSI routing (Dr. Dávid Szeszlér)